Posted by Ken Mullinex on 1st Sep 2016
Tired of turning racers away from the track because of sound restrictions? Keep our inserts in stock! When racers show up -with the cars they've been working months on, they might not be too happy to find out their car is too loud to race. Our inserts can be put in easily and they won't compromise the performance of the car or the growl of the beast! They will just be more bearable to the ears. They sound like open headers, only quieter! We offer dealer discounts so call us to find out more! Ask for Ken and mention this blog! (972) 937-7735
Request to fill out an application to become a dealer! You can sell our products in your shop, catalog, or you can install our products for your customers. Whichever one suits your business best. Request an info packet. Call Us @ 972-937-7735
NEW- 6x2 chrysler intakes coming very soon!! Expected mid April. Stay tuned. We will keep ypu posted. Intake will accept holley 94 and stromberg 97 carbs, we will also offer small base GM pattern.Will fit all chrysler hemi's, if you need water this intake is cast with bosses to be drilled for 3/8" pipe thread. [...]